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This folder shows the embedded video support of videos from www.youtube.com. You simply upload your video to youtube.com and than you can easily embedded a streamed video to TWG. Please read howto 34 about setup and pros and cons of this solution. Please Note: The videos and preview images are embedded from www.youtube.com. TWG is not responsible for the content of this videos!

Kosmonautenfisch, that’s music comedy. Oblique and extravagant themes that are too rarely sung across to music through diverse musical styles and languages​, filmed and brought to the stage.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kosmonautenfisch Twitter: https://twitter.com/Kosmonautenfisc


Wrong entry 'FLASH' in config - check $video_player
Tip: You can use smiles like :) or ;) in titles and comments.
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